Thursday, January 26, 2012

Revolution 2012

The senior fashion show at the University of Hawaii for Spring 2012 will be Revolution.

I'm chair of the Audio/Visual committee ... which is combined with the Stage committee. They have a separate chair for that too, and she's been taking the reins mostly since my responsibilities have been few as of late.

I'm a little excited since my friend is going to be showing off his line this year, but I can see that this will be stressful in the weeks to come. We're limited on time, we have a strict budget, and we don't have enough details finalized yet. The venue is outdoors, so we'll need tents, but we don't know what kind of runway we're using yet, so we don't know how much space we need to cover. We also don't yet know if we'll be renting a stage or building one. I haven't called any places for sound and lighting yet, partially because we don't know how much lighting we'll need or even how many projectors and screens and speakers. We also need generators and we don't know how many we'll need.

This all comes back to the whole "We don't know how much space we'll use, because we don't know how we're going to do the runway". The senior designers have been busy though, so it's understandable. We all just feel like we're twiddling our thumbs a little.

I've been working on getting us a DJ. I actually want my friend to DJ but other classmates have their suggestions too, so it might just come down to who has the better deal. I've also been looking into some videographers to do the junior line video. However, the juniors are not yet decided on a concept for their video, so that puts a bit of a stand still again.

Right now, it's like when I want to get something done, there's something prevents it from being finished.

Okay, so it's the third week of school and we technically have plenty of time still.

Maybe I'm just stressing too much from this lol.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Black Feathers revamp, DONE (sorta)

By done I mean, I finished the prologue lol. What I originally had slated as the 2nd chapter for the new Black Feathers will probably now be bumped to 3 or 4. Overall, I like how the prologue sounds. I suppose it a bit of an epilogue almost too since it shows a bit of how the ending looks. Kind of. It's one of those stories where the prologue will make sense once the story unfolds.

While I am on break from school until January, I have a feeling I might not get a lot done on this since I've spent my break playing Skyrim so far. I will probably take a break of Skyrim some time though to play some Assassin's Creed or just give me xbox some love in general lol.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I have one final and my aloha shirt to finish and then this semester is done with.

I'm expecting my work schedule to get busier (though I also need to go job hunting lol) and my plan for winter (ha) break: SKYRIM & XBAWKS

I feel like I shouldn't complain about how cold it's gotten when it's snowing on the mainland lol, but shit, I'm cold. I want to take my boyfriend on a trip to the mainland some time during the winter. He's an Island boy and never seen snow before, so I'm sure he'd love the experience XD

I don't know what to get him for Christmas though :X I was looking up gift ideas on websites online today, but they all seem like something he wouldn't like all that much. I mean, he's the type to accept any gift I give him, but I'd rather give him something he likes. I asked how much it would cost to buy something he wanted for his car, but they're all way over my budget. We're talking a thousand or two dollars >.< I think the cheapest thing is maybe $800 and that's still a bit too much for me :X I don't make enough at work to buy him something that expensive.

I know I said I'd finish that rewrite I wanted to do by this week, but deadlines at school prevented that >.> Maybe next week, or the next week lol. Some time before next semester starts at least lol.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bitches need to stfu and Black Feathers will get a revamp :P

Class pissed me off today. I don't know if this girl was just stupid or lazy (probably lazy) because every damn class she always takes up the teacher's time. "I need help with this, I don't know how to sew that, nothing makes sense" For fucks sake I think you should just stop coming to class. She had been doing that all semester and for the most part it's just annoying, but now that everyone needs some help it's not only annoying but pretty damn rude.

I try to keep my questions short. "Is this right? Do I just sew here?" because I know other people have questions as well. I actually needed some genuine help this time because I just wasn't getting something (dat button hole) and I apparently did some things wrong without realizing ... This bitch kept nagging the teacher while she was helping me. Fucking rude.

Anyways, that little bit aside ... I started working on the fourth chapter for Black Feathers and then decided I wanted to write it a little differently from the last few chapters ... and then decided to rewrite the whole thing lol. Luckily, it's not that long so redoing it won't be that bad. I'm basically going to condense the first three chapters into one and what was going to be chapter 4 will now be chapter 2.

Um ... I'll probably finish that up by next week. I have my final projects to work on still so ... yeah >.>

In other news, my boyfriend gave me back my xbox but I haven't had time to plug it in yet. I will probably do that next week as well lol.

Friday, November 11, 2011

If you want to protest against APEC, protest against the traffic it causes.

Holy shit.

I was at the bus stop for an hour yesterday because of APEC. It was windy and raining and cold (for Hawaii) so I was not in a good mood. I had to ask my parents to pick me up because it was about 6:15 (I had gotten out of class at 5:30) and my bus didn't come. There were buses, but they didn't go into town, where I lived, they went straight past that ;-; My boyfriend couldn't pick me up cause he was at work either, so I had to call my parents.

It wasn't until after I called them that the bus I needed to take finally came. Man, I was pissed, and cold, and hungry. My parents took me out to eat at least, but the A/C was on in the car, making it still cold so I was still in a bit of a mad mood >.>

So today is a holiday and I am not leaving the fucking house. Not when traffic is gonna be that bad. Yesterday was one of those days where, if you didn't come in to work everyone understood why. Some people were unable to get into town completely and one of my classes was cancelled yesterday because of the road closures. If only they all could have been cancelled, but no, I still had sewing class.

Hm ... I also need to pick up fabric for my tank top, and start on that skirt still. Fuuuuu so much work to do, but I wanna relax and play video games ;-;

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To paint or not to paint?

I've been staring at my illustration project for the last hour, trying to decide what parts to paint. I realized that the background should be painted because coloring it with copics will take too damn long. Much easier to just paint and fill in details with pencil crayon. The figures however ... I don't know how much to paint, if any. Some details are much too small for the brush I have, so it's gonna be marker by default, but other parts I'm a little iffy on. Thinking if I should render the denim with marker + pencil crayon, or try something new :/

Ugh, this project seems so simple but also seems so hard >.<

Oh well, I'll at least get started on inking it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 1

Didn't go well. I have 500 words so far, and mostly didn't do as much as I could have because I got into an argument with a friend and we spent a long time going back and forth. I also had a lot of school work to do ... and I went for dinner with my boyfriend.

It was a very nice dinner with yummy unagi rice :3

Tomorrow I work, so I won't make much progress on it either, probably, but I can afford to stay up late since my teacher for one of my classes is still gone for the week.

Oh boy, I have to get started on my paper for my religion class too. It's due at the end of the month. I just need to find a slightly obscure, not too unknown country to write about regarding witchcraft lol. Five page papers are quite easy to crank out, especially since my professor was very specific about what he wanted, so there's a lot of questions the paper needs to answer. I fear that five pages may not be enough D: