Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Black Feathers revamp, DONE (sorta)

By done I mean, I finished the prologue lol. What I originally had slated as the 2nd chapter for the new Black Feathers will probably now be bumped to 3 or 4. Overall, I like how the prologue sounds. I suppose it a bit of an epilogue almost too since it shows a bit of how the ending looks. Kind of. It's one of those stories where the prologue will make sense once the story unfolds.

While I am on break from school until January, I have a feeling I might not get a lot done on this since I've spent my break playing Skyrim so far. I will probably take a break of Skyrim some time though to play some Assassin's Creed or just give me xbox some love in general lol.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I have one final and my aloha shirt to finish and then this semester is done with.

I'm expecting my work schedule to get busier (though I also need to go job hunting lol) and my plan for winter (ha) break: SKYRIM & XBAWKS

I feel like I shouldn't complain about how cold it's gotten when it's snowing on the mainland lol, but shit, I'm cold. I want to take my boyfriend on a trip to the mainland some time during the winter. He's an Island boy and never seen snow before, so I'm sure he'd love the experience XD

I don't know what to get him for Christmas though :X I was looking up gift ideas on websites online today, but they all seem like something he wouldn't like all that much. I mean, he's the type to accept any gift I give him, but I'd rather give him something he likes. I asked how much it would cost to buy something he wanted for his car, but they're all way over my budget. We're talking a thousand or two dollars >.< I think the cheapest thing is maybe $800 and that's still a bit too much for me :X I don't make enough at work to buy him something that expensive.

I know I said I'd finish that rewrite I wanted to do by this week, but deadlines at school prevented that >.> Maybe next week, or the next week lol. Some time before next semester starts at least lol.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bitches need to stfu and Black Feathers will get a revamp :P

Class pissed me off today. I don't know if this girl was just stupid or lazy (probably lazy) because every damn class she always takes up the teacher's time. "I need help with this, I don't know how to sew that, nothing makes sense" For fucks sake I think you should just stop coming to class. She had been doing that all semester and for the most part it's just annoying, but now that everyone needs some help it's not only annoying but pretty damn rude.

I try to keep my questions short. "Is this right? Do I just sew here?" because I know other people have questions as well. I actually needed some genuine help this time because I just wasn't getting something (dat button hole) and I apparently did some things wrong without realizing ... This bitch kept nagging the teacher while she was helping me. Fucking rude.

Anyways, that little bit aside ... I started working on the fourth chapter for Black Feathers and then decided I wanted to write it a little differently from the last few chapters ... and then decided to rewrite the whole thing lol. Luckily, it's not that long so redoing it won't be that bad. I'm basically going to condense the first three chapters into one and what was going to be chapter 4 will now be chapter 2.

Um ... I'll probably finish that up by next week. I have my final projects to work on still so ... yeah >.>

In other news, my boyfriend gave me back my xbox but I haven't had time to plug it in yet. I will probably do that next week as well lol.