Thursday, January 26, 2012

Revolution 2012

The senior fashion show at the University of Hawaii for Spring 2012 will be Revolution.

I'm chair of the Audio/Visual committee ... which is combined with the Stage committee. They have a separate chair for that too, and she's been taking the reins mostly since my responsibilities have been few as of late.

I'm a little excited since my friend is going to be showing off his line this year, but I can see that this will be stressful in the weeks to come. We're limited on time, we have a strict budget, and we don't have enough details finalized yet. The venue is outdoors, so we'll need tents, but we don't know what kind of runway we're using yet, so we don't know how much space we need to cover. We also don't yet know if we'll be renting a stage or building one. I haven't called any places for sound and lighting yet, partially because we don't know how much lighting we'll need or even how many projectors and screens and speakers. We also need generators and we don't know how many we'll need.

This all comes back to the whole "We don't know how much space we'll use, because we don't know how we're going to do the runway". The senior designers have been busy though, so it's understandable. We all just feel like we're twiddling our thumbs a little.

I've been working on getting us a DJ. I actually want my friend to DJ but other classmates have their suggestions too, so it might just come down to who has the better deal. I've also been looking into some videographers to do the junior line video. However, the juniors are not yet decided on a concept for their video, so that puts a bit of a stand still again.

Right now, it's like when I want to get something done, there's something prevents it from being finished.

Okay, so it's the third week of school and we technically have plenty of time still.

Maybe I'm just stressing too much from this lol.